Discover our environmentally friendly power supply solutions for your construction project or home

MobilHybrid offers customized solutions for your individual needs

Learn more about MobilHybrid-Applications

The ideal power supply for your application


The MobilHybrid is a mobile electricity storage system with intelligent control. It enables a particularly economical and environmentally friendly, yet continuous supply to your consumers.


The HomeHybrid is an intelligent energy manager and Electricity storage for your home, whether for self-generated or external electricity. The HomeHybrid storage systems are customised to your requirements.


Unleash the power of the sun with our containerPV-solution. A mobile container conceals a powerful photovoltaic system that is ready for use anywhere. This solution not only offers environmentally friendly energy, but also unrivalled mobility. Transport clean energy to where it is needed and experience the flexibility of the containersPV.


FoldingPV revolutionises the way you use renewable energy. Despite its compact size, this foldable photovoltaic system offers impressive performance. Ideal for mobile use and situations where space is limited. FoldingPV is the solution for sustainable energy in compressed form.


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